The diary of a biznessvirgin : Business Television….

 I discovered Dragon’s den some years ago; i had watched the Nigerian version of the show which ran for a very short time but then i stumbled on the British version,i have been hooked since.
 Dragons’ den UK is a British television series where several entrepreneurs get the opportunity to present their business ideas to a panel of wealthy investors.This is actually one of my favorite television shows, i enjoy binge watching the show and never get tired of reruns. Its exciting to me how the panelists are able to access the state of a business just by asking a series of questions.

business inspiration
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On one episode, i watched how two entrepreneurs lost the opportunity for investment just for having the wrong business name.They wanted an investment in their food website- , both of them seemed to have all it took to get investment till the panelists discovered there was already a similar website registered as . With that revelation,their pitch took a down turn and none of the panelists took the chance to invest.

Deciding on a business name is usually one of the first few things an entrepreneur does in business.Some entrepreneurs are lucky enough to have come up with the right business name without  trying, many however have made a huge mistake from not thinking through this simple task.
 If you are in the process of choosing a business name,i hope this post helps-

Anyway, here are some of my favorite quotes from Dragons’ den UK,some of them are comic others you can learn from

“hello dragons”
“tell me why i should give you money from my children’s inheritance?”
“this is ridiculous,i’m out”
“i am going to make you an offer”
“i think you have the makings of a dream team here”
“you can’t come in here and say you don’t know how your business works”
“you just snatched defeat from the jaws of victory”
“i would rather paint my toe nails than invest in this business”
“give me a reason to invest in your business”
“what were you doing before this?”
“take me through your numbers”
“i am losing the will to live”
“i couldn’t work with you,we will drive each other mad”

I can go on and on,the show is funny,intriguing and gives me the reality check i need in business .

I recommend this show to every start up entrepreneur, it will definitely be “worth your watch”….

Yours truly,
F.O (The Entrepreneur)

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