The diary of a Biznessvirgin – Balance

Sharing real life business experiences here helps me count my blessings and measure my growth as an individual in business.

work life balance
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My very early years in business were spent doing just work .It was all i found time for. I was young ,passionate and there was no stopping me.One morning,i woke up feeling exhausted and confused,i was burnt out from too much work and an unbalanced life . I was drowning myself without really knowing it.
During this period,I met a fellow entrepreneur(Yinka) who has since become a friend, He initiated my healing process without even knowing it. I watched as Yinka worked hard in business and still defined balance in his life.

Today balance to me means a lot different to before.Not matter how busy i get with work, I stay mindful of my emotional,spiritual and mental health,i nurture relationships,i care for myself – body,spirit and soul. That’s where i find essence,that’s what keeps me going.

Here is an article on work- life balance in business,

I hope you find it helpful.

Yours truly,
F.O (The Entrepreneur)

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