I have always wanted to be a brilliant entrepreneur so through the years i put in lots of effort and even when nothing worked i kept going .This makes writing this post very emotional for me,i am reminded of how much frustration i had to go through to get it right and now that i understand my journey as an entrepreneur ,i am able to clearly differentiate between hard work and smart work,i also see why all my “activity” through the years never yielded desired results.
photo credit :www.alidavies.com |
Not too long ago,personal effectiveness were mere words to me and though i took a course on it in business school ,it never fully sunk in. Lately,i have had to complete huge tasks with so little resources and though these tasks seemed impossible to pull off,i was able to make them happen and then it dawned on me that i had been under utilizing the resources available to me.
Since i embarked on the journey of personal effectiveness ,i have been able to maximize the use of resources available to me,reduce wastage and improve on my leadership and managerial skills. This in essence has translated to noticeable and measurable growth in my personal and business life.
Personal effectiveness helps you focus on achieving tangible results.it prepares you for fulfillment and greatness in life in a way nothing else does. If you wish to develop personal effectiveness, here are two (2) posts to guide you through the process
I hope you find them useful
Yours truly,
F.O (The Entrepreneur)