The diary of a Biznessvirgin – Live love sing…….

I am a complex girl; i love words,music and God.
 2016 has not exactly been my easiest year however its been quite fulfilling.
In this year,I found balance ,understanding and purpose,things i struggled with up until now,I made significant changes that clearly defined my path through the year.

online course for entrepreneurs
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The changes include …

– Defining my roles in life and business; this has helped me identify the things that are important to me as a person,that way i invest more time on the important stuff and spend less time on non important ones .

– Taking extra time to nurture my spirit ;with this i have found my inner voice and embraced my complexities.

-Taking extra care of my body and soul because they enhance my essence in life and business .

-Creating time for the simple things,things i love and enjoy; music, family and friends…nothing beats a good support system.

-Taking more advantage of the internet to learn,interact and create.

– Becoming more sensitive to the voices of my customers, I have probed more closely into interactions customers have had with my business this year.

-Reaching out , sharing experiences and engaging with other business owners , this has been one of my most rewarding activities all year long….the more i share ,the more i learn,the faster i grow….

I will like to say thank you to every reader of this blog,there’s a huge difference between what you are called to do and what you know how to do , running this blog has helped me understand that doing what you are called to do makes doing what you know how to do easier (i hope that makes sense) …

In the new year ,i will be running 2 online courses for entrepreneurs

1) Enterprise growth course ; for growing businesses (Free for the first 5 people to register in every month next year – 2017) to enroll,please send an email to

2) Enterprise intervention course (a course to revive failing businesses).

If you run a business in a country like mine (Nigeria),that is going through a recession at the moment,i will like to you to know this,people are still spending money,it is their mindset on spending that has changed,you need to understand this changed mindset ,how it is affecting your business as well as how you can use it to your advantage.

The year has not ended for me,i am still expectant…in a few days will upload posts on how businesses can collaborate and how to start a business year.

Dear Biznessvirgins,the joy of entrepreneurship is in the journey,don’t lose faith or give up. With this year’s journey as an entrepreneur i choose to live,love and sing my heart out, what’s your journey and hope as the year ends and a new one begins ?……

study courses for entrepreneurs
photo credit: eLiLLY815- devian art

Your truly,
F.O (The Entrepreneur).

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