The diary of a Biznessvirgin : Listen….

I am constantly listening to my business.

As a bootstrapper at the “sell” stage of my business, every time i put out a product,i am always looking out for feedback, it does not matter how great and appropriate the product seems to me or members of my team, the level of acceptance by the audience matters more . 
I once put out a product everyone said was great, but it dint translate to profitable sales; I was so about the novelty of the product that i wasted time marketing the product even when sales were not coming in . The moment i moved on from the product to another ,sales greatly improved and then i realised the market had since been notifying me to move on all along,
The market’s reaction to products is their way of giving their feed back on the product. It tells you what to do with the product – discard,adjust….

As a startup/small business, whenever you try to sell a product/service to customers/clients,you are engaging an audience and they are constantly talking back in their own way,

its important to listen so you can react appropriately.

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Numbers (revenue,net profit,gross profit,growth rate… ) also speak ,it lets you know how ,where and when to invest your resources as you go along.
Listening is a part of my business growth and development process.

One very important lesson i have learnt in business is this, it never hurts to listen..

5 ways listening can grow your business

Yours truly,
F.O (The Entrepreneur)

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