The diary of a Biznessvirgin : Digital Marketing goals…

I never really took out time to learn about digital marketing till new customers started speaking of how they found my business through the internet. I wanted more customers to find me so i took keen interest in digital marketing.

 This research opened up my mind to endless untapped opportunities within the digital space ; this has now led me to set digital marketing goals for businesses i operate.

 As I share the goals in this post, i hope you are motivated to set yours.

I will be reviewing my digital marketing goals for progress in the 1st quarter of 2018………

digital marketing goals
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Here they are

– Consistent addition of fresh and good quality content to my website/ blog .

– Search engine optimization of every page on my website /blog .

– More consistent social media engagement and interaction to grow my online community .

–  Update website for easy navigation and conversion of visitors to customers .

I am keeping it simple, measurable and achievable so i am able to easily fit it into my already set goals for the year.

For people who just like me are just getting started on digital marketing, i recommend you read this

Wish me luck !

Yours truly,
 F.O (The Entrepreneur)

P.S. – “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you,saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end” – Jeremiah 29:11

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