The diary of a Biznessvirgin : The human face of business

When i moved my business online, i wanted it to behave “big”. I was particular about looking “professional” so i invested the of bulk money i had in creating a professional feel. 2 years after the “professional” feel was created, the customer growth rate was barely 5% .

Sometime in 2016, i had issues with my website and had to depend on other direct channels (Instagram DMs,whatsapp, text messaging..) to receive orders from customers ; Once these channels were opened up, customer base increased by about 16% in one month such that revenue quadrupled. Over the months that followed, Customer return rate and referrals significantly increased . I have since incorporated this system into the business and continued to record consistent and significant growth as well as new opportunities. It was then i realized I had spent my resources building a business that was professional and in the process shut out customer engagement and so until customers started to feel the pulse of the business they could not interact with it.

Small businesses owners need to understand that customers know they are small, what they (customers) really want to know is that you are competent. Structures and processes are useless until customers can feel the pulse of the business and engage with it . Make yourself easily accessible to your customers, from time to time let them know what the business is up to, look for ways to directly show them that you are competent. Let them feel you directly talking to them.

Human face of business
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So as you create structures and build processes round your business, Its important to give it a human face so you don’t alienate your audience…

As we cross the half line mark of the year ,its a good time to assess all you have done so far.
Remember, you are assessing yourself so you can be better, don’t knock yourself over if you have not done as well as expected. Simply learn to be better, get the help you can and keep moving. I hope your year keeps getting better!!!

Yours Truly,
F.O (The Entrepreneur).

P.S – For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen. – Romans 11:36

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