The diary of a Biznessvirgin : Business assumptions

As entrepreneurs,we assume everyday. A lot of assumptions in business need to be tested, no matter how perfect they seem,you need to test them. Some assumptions seem unachievable so we discard them without testing and miss out on big opportunities…..ignoring assumptions can be costly .

Business ideas come as assumptions ,when you test an idea once and it fails, you can step back a little and pivot (change the direction of the business), so many successful businesses have been created this way (check out a few super successful tech business pivots). However,when you pivot a business a couple of times and there are no significant changes or progress, its a strong sign that there could nothing much for you in the business, its probably time to move on.
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I am very deliberate about assumptions,some of my friends call it being safe,i call it being reasonable. I like to deduce tangible results from testing my assumptions and use them as reference points as i scale up the business, it lets me know what works well for my business, what i can do better and how to maximize the use of my resources.
It can be distracting to test all assumptions in your business but its important to decide on the important ones to go after, assumption are dangerous but should not be avoided !!!
Your Truly,
F.O (The Entrepreneur).

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