Fashion style for Entrepreneurs

Fashion style for Entrepreneurs

Because startup entrepreneurs have to take on many roles while building their companies on a shoe string budget, they sometimes end up with little or no time (and a limited budget) to attend to their style/fashion needs. Appearance makes a good part of business especially when you are still climbing up the ropes and trying to spread your tentacles  in the business world. It is however important for an entrepreneur to consider the industry in which they operate while putting together their wardrobe.

Its best to keep in mind that what works for a tech entrepreneur who is constantly in meetings with investors might not necessarily work for a creative entrepreneur who attends more of networking events.

Overall, the aim is to find a fashion style that’s affordable and gives a good impression of you as an entrepreneur especially when it matters the most .

Here are 2 factors to putting together a wardrobe that works for you and fits your budget.

Fashion style for entrepreneurs


– COMFORT : Always have it in mind that whatever your style is, its important to be comfortable in clothes. Clothes that are not comfortable can affect your mood, esteem as well as your general well being. Ensure that whatever your style is, keeps you comfortable.

– CONFIDENCE : Even after dressing up in clothes, you must exude a level of confidence that helps you stand out in a crowd; So as you build your fashion style , remember to always step out with confidence and charisma.

– COLORS – Determine the colors that work best with your skin tone. After this you can go further to determine which of these colors are most appropriate for formal then casual outfits. Overall, the goal is to understand how to coordinate outfits color wise so you always step out looking well put together.


fashion style for Entrepreneurs
color palette to pick colors that best suit your skin tone
photo credit:


– PHYSIQUE – Once you understand your physique, you can easily go for clothes that are the perfect fit for the kind of body you have ; clothes that flatter your good features and minimize the appearance of your flaws.

– ACCESSORIZE – Accessories can easily be used to give outfits an edge , depending on the occasion. Having accessories (like brooches, cuff links, belts,lapels, pocket squares, glasses ,scarves, earrings….) as part of your wardrobe can help you create different looks even without owning so many clothes.


fashion style for entrepreneurs
check out the lapel pin on the blazer in the picture
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1) A well tailored fitted blazer (preferably black) – This can easily be put together nicely to achieve different formal and  business casual looks.

2) Jeans (dark rinse /black)- Ladies can pair this with heels and blazers to attend networking events; men can also pair with sneakers and blazers for the same purpose.

3) Functional footwear – For women, neutral colored pumps should easily do the trick as they are comfortable, blend with other colors and are suitable for formal and business casual looks. Men can also switch up their style for meetings and networking events with the on trend fun colored socks.

fashion style for entrepreneurs
pumps in a neutral color
photo credit :

4)  Hand bag or briefcase – A basic handbag/briefcase should do, it does not necessarily have to be expensive but should be in very good condition ( not worn out).

5) Dresses / pencil skirt  (for women) – Dresses and pencil skirts are very versatile . They can be styled differently (with or without accessories) to get a variety of  business looks. Ensure the fit is right and the length not too short.


Fashion style for entrepreneurs


– Choose quality over quantity when shopping for a business wardrobe ; endeavor to buy the best quality you can afford.

– Handle your formal and business casual clothes with care especially when washing so you don’t have to replace them so often.

Tips for fabric care

– Avoid clothes that are distracting and too revealing .

Remember, dressing for business is dressing for success.

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