Practical steps for personal effectiveness as an entrepreneur (1)

Personal effectiveness means making the most of resources available to you (such as talent,energy,time…) to develop your capacity and achieve personal objectives/goals.

personal effectiveness in business
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Personal effectiveness sets the tone for success in business and personal relationships

Here are practical steps to personal effectiveness

-Take responsibility of your emotions and time.No one can use or share in your time and emotions except you let them ;choose to spend your time and emotions on things that are in line with achieving your personal goals.

-Take regular breaks to reflect,analyse,replenish and plan ahead,this makes you achieve faster and better.

-Align your personal goals with that of your business,this makes them easier to achieve.

-Identify your purpose,goals,values and strengths in life,what time of the day do you work best? Determine the key roles that are of utmost importance to you in personal life and business ;merge these roles to complement each other and fuse into your lifestyle.

-Set aside time to plan your week, make sure this includes time to learn ,exercise,relax and attend to personal needs.

– List all outstanding tasks/projects ;match them against your key roles,this lets you know if you are creating room to fit in all the roles.

-When listing your tasks/projects ,date and organize them in order of priority,be careful not to overwhelm yourself, decide on the specific tasks you will be focusing on at every point in time.. Avoid spending your time on too many tasks at once ,prioritize tasks,select the ones to focus on,allocate time to each task in order of importance.

– Set timelines for completion of tasks,decide how the success of each task will be measured as well as follow up tasks.

– De-clutter your life,physically and emotionally,this helps you dedicate yourself fully to accomplishing tasks.

– Have accountability partners; these can be people that work with you or for you. Let them understand what you are trying to achieve so that they can work with you to make it happen.

– Always put down every thought that requires action ;At all times,have a small jotter or pen for this or simply input into your mobile device so you do not forget .

-Once you are decided on a task,get it done,set timelines for completion.

look out for the concluding post –  practical steps to personal effectiveness as an entrepreneur (2)

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