Mid 2016, i listed roles i wanted to define me as an individual; at that time i was only 2 of the 8 roles i listed.
Fast forward to 2017, i have progressively taken up all 8 roles quite easily, this has been mostly because i consciously pay attention to becoming them such that i am less distracted by activities that do not align.
I decided to take this a step further by creating a vision board. A vision board is a tool that helps you clarify,believe and focus on particular life goals. It is a board of any kind on which you display images and quotes that depict your life goals and aspirations, It lets you articulate your life goals so clearly that they become achievable.
I hear humans think visually and having visual reminders of your goals bring you closer to achieving them. Celebs like Oprah, Katy Perry, Ellen Degeneres and Beyonce have spoken openly about using vision boards to actualize personal goals. I recently read the story of Lucinda Cross, a mother of two who using a vision board, moved from being in prison to achieving her life long goals.
Given these testimonies, i decided to create my very own vision board, this process took roughly 5 hours over 2 days. In this time i thought deeply about the many things i want for myself, this revealed a clearer picture of where i am headed and possible directions to getting there. I got some time to truly look within,; it was a healthy experience for me.
From my research, there are no definite rules to creating a vision board , however, i will share my own process with you.
Materials used – White board,magazines,glue stick,post it notes, scissors and embellishments.
Materials i collected to use for my vision board |
– I listed specific goals in different areas of my life – spiritual,financial,career,personal,health and fitness …
– I listed how i wanted to feel when i achieved this goals.
– I listed possible steps to achieving these goals.
– Started cutting out images and quotes from magazines to represent each goal and feeling.
– I created compartments on the board for each of my goals and started pasting images and quotes accordingly.
– I attached post it notes to list possible steps to achieving individual goals.
– I threw on a little embellishments here and there
My 2017 vision board |
My vision board will be hanging on my bedroom wall, so i am constantly reminded to stay true to my vision.
I intend to update and redo my vision board as i feel necessary.
My first review of this vision board will come in the last quarter of 2017.
If you are struggling with some of your business goals,this might be a good place to start .
if you will be joining me on this challenge, send me an email – biznessvirgins@gmail.com
Lets see how this works out,hopefully even better than it has worked for others….
I hope to hear from you
Yours truly,
F.O (The Entrepreneur)